State of Real Estate

Rates & Buying Power

Rates & Buying Power

Jon Carissimo

Understanding Real Estate: Supply, Demand, and the Impact of Interest Rates What are the ripple effects of changing interest rates? How does it affect the market and what do you...

Rates & Buying Power

Jon Carissimo

Understanding Real Estate: Supply, Demand, and the Impact of Interest Rates What are the ripple effects of changing interest rates? How does it affect the market and what do you...


Top Tips for Skipping Realtor Dues When Activat...

Jon Carissimo

How to Activate Real Estate License without Board Fees The video focuses on the real estate industry, particularly on how to activate a real estate license without realtor dues. It...

Top Tips for Skipping Realtor Dues When Activat...

Jon Carissimo

How to Activate Real Estate License without Board Fees The video focuses on the real estate industry, particularly on how to activate a real estate license without realtor dues. It...

Real Estate in 2024

Real Estate in 2024

Jon Carissimo

Real Estate in 2024

Jon Carissimo

Listing Essentials

Listing Essentials

Jon Carissimo

Listing Essentials

Jon Carissimo

2024 Head Start

2024 Head Start

Jon Carissimo

2024 Head Start

Jon Carissimo

Become a Broker

Become a Broker

Jon Carissimo

Benefits of Upgrading to a Florida Real Estate Broker License Upgrading your Florida real estate sales associate license to a broker license presents a pivotal opportunity for professionals in the...

Become a Broker

Jon Carissimo

Benefits of Upgrading to a Florida Real Estate Broker License Upgrading your Florida real estate sales associate license to a broker license presents a pivotal opportunity for professionals in the...