Farming (Marketing) Strategy

Mastering Farming Strategy in Real Estate

In the State of Real Estate episode, the host explains the significance of an effective farming strategy for real estate agents. Farming, a local marketing strategy, aims to maximize yield and return on investment. The strategy involves planting marketing 'seeds' and consistently nurturing them. The selection of a farm area is based on turnover, market share, and average sale price. The episode ends with action items for agents, such as committing to a long-term farming strategy and researching potential farm areas.

#RealEstate #FarmingStrategy #Marketing #ReturnOnInvestment #MarketShare


What does 'farming' refer to in the context of real estate?

'Farming' in real estate refers to a local marketing strategy where agents focus on a specific neighborhood or area to build recognition and generate business.

How does farming in real estate work?

Farming in real estate involves consistently marketing to a specific neighborhood or area through various channels such as postcards, newsletters, door knocking, social media, and more to build brand recognition and attract potential clients.

What are the key factors to consider when choosing a farm area in real estate?

The key factors to consider when choosing a farm area in real estate are turnover rate (number of sales per year), market share dominance by other agents, and the average sale price in the neighborhood.

Why is the average sale price an important factor in choosing a farm area?

The average sale price is an important factor in choosing a farm area because it determines the potential return on investment. Agents need to ensure that the marketing costs and efforts align with the potential commission they can earn from higher-priced properties.

What is the main focus of the post-licensing course?

The main focus of the post-licensing course is to provide practical and usable information on how to use your real estate license to make money.

When should you take the post-licensing course?

It is recommended to take the post-licensing course immediately upon getting your license, rather than waiting until your first renewal.

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