March 2024 Renewal Deadline

Mastering Real Estate License Renewal and Career Growth

The video emphasizes the importance of timely renewals in the real estate industry, providing tips for verifying renewal dates and hours. It outlines the process and requirements for continuing education for real estate licenses. The speaker shares the rewarding experience of teaching pre-licensing classes and the opportunities in the industry. They also discuss strategies for exam preparation and the benefits of post-licensing in starting a real estate business.

#RealEstate #LicenseRenewal #ContinuingEducation #ExamPreparation #PreLicensing


How do I know if it's my renewal deadline?

To know if it's your renewal deadline, you can visit the My Florida License website, which is the DBPR's website. There, you can log in and view your hours and expiration date. You can also watch a screen recording on the TSRE website that shows you how to verify your hours and expiration date. It's important to check this information early to avoid any issues.

What happens if my hours don't show up in the database?

If your hours don't show up in the database, it's important to reach out to the Tampa School of Real Estate (TSRE) to re-report your hours. They can assist in getting your hours recorded with the DBPR. It's best to address this issue before your renewal deadline to avoid any complications.

What are the consequences of missing the renewal deadline?

Missing the renewal deadline can have serious consequences for your real estate business. If your license becomes temporarily inactive or null and void, you are legally prohibited from practicing real estate. This means you cannot conduct any real estate transactions until your license is reactivated. It's important to complete your renewal requirements on time to avoid any disruptions to your business.

What are the requirements for continuing education?

Continuing education requirements vary depending on whether you are a sales associate or a broker. Sales associates need to complete 14 hours of continuing education every two years. Brokers have the same requirement, along with additional hours for their initial license and post-licensing. The 14 hours of continuing education cover legal updates and ethics. It's important to fulfill these requirements to keep your license active.

What is the benefit of taking post-licensing early?

Taking post-licensing early allows you to learn real-world concepts that will help you create a business plan and plan for success in real estate. It covers topics that are usable and will help you grow your real estate business. The sooner you do post-licensing, the sooner you can start applying these concepts. It's a requirement anyway, so it's best to get it done early.

Ready to get your Florida Real Estate License?

LIVE Class Schedule
Video On Demand Online Course

Need to Complete Your Renewal?

45-Hour Post Licensing Schedule
45-HR Video On Demand Post Licensing
14-HR Correspondence Book (Submit Test Online)
CE Catalog
60-HR Broker Post Licensing

Ready to Upgrade to Broker?

72-HR Broker Pre-Licensing Schedule
72-HR Online Course

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