Definition: the principal of appraisal that states that the value of a better property is adversely affected by its association with an inferior property of the same type Pronunciation: \ri-ˈgre-shən\...
Definition: the principal of appraisal that states that the value of a better property is adversely affected by its association with an inferior property of the same type Pronunciation: \ri-ˈgre-shən\...
Definition: authorization by the state to place an applicant on the register (record) of officially recognized individuals and businesses Pronunciation: \ˌre-jə-ˈstrā-shən\ Used in a Sentence: A person must have a valid...
Definition: authorization by the state to place an applicant on the register (record) of officially recognized individuals and businesses Pronunciation: \ˌre-jə-ˈstrā-shən\ Used in a Sentence: A person must have a valid...
Definition: discriminatory financing by a lending institution Pronunciation: \ˈred-ˌlīn\ Used in a Sentence: The usual justification for redlining is the lender wants to limit the risks in an area that...
Definition: discriminatory financing by a lending institution Pronunciation: \ˈred-ˌlīn\ Used in a Sentence: The usual justification for redlining is the lender wants to limit the risks in an area that...
Definition: the right of mortgagors who have defaulted on the mortgage note to redeem or get back their title to the property by paying off the entire mortgage before the...
Definition: the right of mortgagors who have defaulted on the mortgage note to redeem or get back their title to the property by paying off the entire mortgage before the...
Recovery Period
Definition: the assigned period of time over which property is depreciated for tax purposes Pronunciation: \ri-ˈkə-və-rē\ \ˈpir-ē-əd\ Used in a Sentence: We were given a 5 year recovery period on...
Recovery Period
Definition: the assigned period of time over which property is depreciated for tax purposes Pronunciation: \ri-ˈkə-və-rē\ \ˈpir-ē-əd\ Used in a Sentence: We were given a 5 year recovery period on...
Definition: to place any document or instrument affecting title or an interest in real property in the public records of the county in which the property is located Pronunciation: \ri-ˈkȯrd\...
Definition: to place any document or instrument affecting title or an interest in real property in the public records of the county in which the property is located Pronunciation: \ri-ˈkȯrd\...