
Implied Listing

Tampa School of Real Estate

Definition:   A listing that arises by implication from the conduct of the broker and the seller and may be enforceable even though not in writing. Pronunciation:   \im-ˈplīd\ \ˈlis-tiŋ\ Used in a...

Implied Listing

Tampa School of Real Estate

Definition:   A listing that arises by implication from the conduct of the broker and the seller and may be enforceable even though not in writing. Pronunciation:   \im-ˈplīd\ \ˈlis-tiŋ\ Used in a...

Implied Contract

Tampa School of Real Estate

Definition:    An unwritten contract where the terms are inferred from the actions of the parties. Pronunciation:    \im-ˈplīd\ \ˈkän-ˌtrakt\ Used in a Sentence:   We had an implied contract with the agent....

Implied Contract

Tampa School of Real Estate

Definition:    An unwritten contract where the terms are inferred from the actions of the parties. Pronunciation:    \im-ˈplīd\ \ˈkän-ˌtrakt\ Used in a Sentence:   We had an implied contract with the agent....


Tampa School of Real Estate

Definition:  Expressed indirectly (e.g. an implied contract) Pronunciation:    \im-ˈplī\ Used in a Sentence:   His words implied a contract was possible.


Tampa School of Real Estate

Definition:  Expressed indirectly (e.g. an implied contract) Pronunciation:    \im-ˈplī\ Used in a Sentence:   His words implied a contract was possible.


Tampa School of Real Estate

Definition:   Real property that is owned by a unit of government and is not subject to taxation. Pronunciation:   \i-ˈmyün\ Used in a Sentence:   The county courthouse is immune from state...


Tampa School of Real Estate

Definition:   Real property that is owned by a unit of government and is not subject to taxation. Pronunciation:   \i-ˈmyün\ Used in a Sentence:   The county courthouse is immune from state...


Tampa School of Real Estate

Definition:  The time frame during which a broker must deposit escrow funds: no later than the end of the third business day after an associate or employee has received the...


Tampa School of Real Estate

Definition:  The time frame during which a broker must deposit escrow funds: no later than the end of the third business day after an associate or employee has received the...