

Definition: Money or other property that is not like-kind, which is given to make up any difference in value or equity between exchanged properties. Pronunciation: \ˈbüt\ Used in a Sentence:  Because the...


Definition: Money or other property that is not like-kind, which is given to make up any difference in value or equity between exchanged properties. Pronunciation: \ˈbüt\ Used in a Sentence:  Because the...

Bona Fide

Bona Fide

Bona Fide Definition: Made in good faith without fraud or deceit. Pronunciation: \ˈbō-nə-ˌfīd, ˈbä-; ˌbō-nə-ˈfī-dē, -ˈfī-də\ Usage in a Sentence: The buyer made a bona fide offer on the property....

Bona Fide

Bona Fide Definition: Made in good faith without fraud or deceit. Pronunciation: \ˈbō-nə-ˌfīd, ˈbä-; ˌbō-nə-ˈfī-dē, -ˈfī-də\ Usage in a Sentence: The buyer made a bona fide offer on the property....


Definition: Profiteering by inducing property owners to sell hastily and often at a loss by appeals to fears of depressed property values because of threatened minority encroachment and then reselling at...


Definition: Profiteering by inducing property owners to sell hastily and often at a loss by appeals to fears of depressed property values because of threatened minority encroachment and then reselling at...

Blind Advertisment

Definition: An advertisement that provides only a telephone number, a PO box, and/or an address without the licensed name of the brokerage firm. Pronunciation: \ˈblīnd\\ˌad-vər-ˈtīz-mənt; əd-ˈvər-təz-mənt, -tə-smənt\ Used in a Sentence:   We...

Blind Advertisment

Definition: An advertisement that provides only a telephone number, a PO box, and/or an address without the licensed name of the brokerage firm. Pronunciation: \ˈblīnd\\ˌad-vər-ˈtīz-mənt; əd-ˈvər-təz-mənt, -tə-smənt\ Used in a Sentence:   We...

Blanket Mortgage

Definition: One debt instrument covering two or more parcels. Pronunciation: \ˈblaŋ-kət\\ˈmȯr-gij\ Used in a Sentence:   The buyer took out a blanket mortgage to pay for the two adjoining parcels of land.

Blanket Mortgage

Definition: One debt instrument covering two or more parcels. Pronunciation: \ˈblaŋ-kət\\ˈmȯr-gij\ Used in a Sentence:   The buyer took out a blanket mortgage to pay for the two adjoining parcels of land.

Bi-weekly Mortgage

Definition: A mortgage loan amortized the same way as other loans with monthly payments, except that the borrower makes a payment every two weeks. Pronunciation: Used in a Sentence: By having a...

Bi-weekly Mortgage

Definition: A mortgage loan amortized the same way as other loans with monthly payments, except that the borrower makes a payment every two weeks. Pronunciation: Used in a Sentence: By having a...