Definition: Latin for “let the buyer beware”.
Pronunciation: \ˈka-vē-ˌät, -ˌat; ˈkä-vē-ˌät; ˈkā-vē-ˌat\ \-ˈem(p)-tər, -ˌtȯr\
Used in a Sentence: Caveat emptor should be kept in mind when looking to buy a house.
Definition: Latin for “let the buyer beware”.
Pronunciation: \ˈka-vē-ˌät, -ˌat; ˈkä-vē-ˌät; ˈkā-vē-ˌat\ \-ˈem(p)-tər, -ˌtȯr\
Used in a Sentence: Caveat emptor should be kept in mind when looking to buy a house.