
Parol Contract

Tampa School of Real Estate

Definition:   an agreement that is not in writing, an oral agreement Pronunciation:   \ˈper-əl, ˈpa-rəl\  \ə-ˈgrē-mənt\ Used in a Sentence:    Some parol contracts are recognized by law as enforceable.

Parol Contract

Tampa School of Real Estate

Definition:   an agreement that is not in writing, an oral agreement Pronunciation:   \ˈper-əl, ˈpa-rəl\  \ə-ˈgrē-mənt\ Used in a Sentence:    Some parol contracts are recognized by law as enforceable.

Package Mortgage

Tampa School of Real Estate

Definition:   a loan covering both real and personal property Pronunciation:   \ˈpa-kij\ \ˈmȯr-gij\ Used in a Sentence:    When buying the restaurant we used a package mortgage to include the cooking equipment...

Package Mortgage

Tampa School of Real Estate

Definition:   a loan covering both real and personal property Pronunciation:   \ˈpa-kij\ \ˈmȯr-gij\ Used in a Sentence:    When buying the restaurant we used a package mortgage to include the cooking equipment...